Concert roundup: Alexander Korsantia for Bachauer, Red Desert Ensemble, NOVA Chamber Music Series’ Contrasts, Samba Fogo

Salt Lake City’s music calendar is filled regularly with concerts offering a superior level of musicianship that would be envied in any major U.S. urban cultural center. The Utah Review summarizes four concerts from the last four weeks as a sampler of what is available in the local community throughout the fall, winter and spring … Read more

Repertory Dance Theatre’s Sounds Familiar concert to be double-barreled adventure of music, dance appreciation

Anthony Tommasini, a New York Times music critic who has written some of the best-selling books about classical music, says that no one really has to be knowledgeable about the art to appreciate it. “Newcomers to other performing arts, like theater or dance, don’t seem to feel this level of intimidation. I’d encourage those who … Read more

Immersive dance-theater show set for The Chocolate Conspiracy as SONDERimmersive will open Thank You Theobromine Nov. 15

Salt Lake City is fortunate to have the perfect trifecta – artisan chocolate, innovative choreographers and theatrical directors/producers who know how to break down the conventional walls of performance staging – that will bring Thank You Theobromine to life in one of the most intriguing offerings of the upcoming holiday season. It also is the … Read more

Samba Fogo upcoming Xiré concert to feature dances, music signifying the Candomblé tradition honoring the Orixá

The upcoming Xiré concert by Samba Fogo will offer a different facet of Utah’s Brazilian dance and music company, which many audiences have known for their exuberant celebrations especially of Carnaval culture. The concert (with two performances Nov. 15 and Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. in the Regent Street Black Box Theatre at the The … Read more

Repertory Dance Theatre’s Inside Outside season opener is spectacular on all counts

Each spectacular half of the Repertory Dance Theatre’s (RDT) 54th season opener could have been a concert in itself. However, with the concert’s Inside Outside theme, part of what portends to be a fascinating season of Here and Now juxtapositions, the halves emphatically demonstrated that, in the desire to articulate a story, the language of … Read more

Elizabeth, the dance is rich, superb 56th season opener for Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company

Ann Carlson’s Elizabeth, the dance, is the supreme example of an organic, living work of art. And, the six current dancers of Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company nurtured and nourished it in a rich, superb performance in Traces, the opening concert of the company’s 56th season. As The Utah Review mentioned in an earlier preview, the 2017 … Read more

Inside Outside concert featuring 3 Utah premieres set for Repertory Dance Theatre’s 54th season opener

Three dance works – a trio from 1949 by one of the greatest American choreographers and two 2018 compositions by internationally known artists from New York City and Tel Aviv, respectively – will receive their Utah premieres next week in the opening concert of Repertory Dance Theatre’s 54th season. Rounding out the Inside Outside concert … Read more

Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company set to open 56th season with Traces concert

Just as families track their genealogy through tree charts, many creative artists and producers have traced their own lineage, often stretching decades, a century or more and, sometimes, even 300 years or longer. In music, the context of, say, an American School, French School or Afro-Cuban School of style, technique and pedagogy can be defined … Read more

Impressive late summer entertainment with The Post Office, Rose Exposed #TRENDING

THE POST OFFICE In the fading daylight, Ash (Alexis Bitner, Olympus High School) tells the others surrounding her bed, “I can see the courier riding down the narrow road that winds like a ribbon through the trees. She’s traveled that road many times, a lantern in her hand and a bag of letters on her … Read more

Fifth annual They Reminisce hip-hop show by 1520 Arts slated for Labor Day weekend

Times change and sounds change. Genres and cultures change. What has to be constant is respect for what came before, and an appreciation for what comes after. It won’t all appeal to everyone, but there can’t be such a premium on a single era, region or take. Hip-hop is a decades-old, global phenomenon. It’s gone … Read more