Sarah Sample Kicks Off Singing With the Birds

For urban dwellers the thought of birds can sometimes conjure unpleasant associations with pigeons and seagulls using cars and humans as public restrooms or other feathered friends sounding early morning wake-up calls long before sunrise. But these misguided city folk have got it all wrong. Birds aren’t intruding on our environment—quite the opposite! One visit … Read more

Rare, exceptional exhibit of Ernesto Edwards’ collages slated at Ken Sanders Rare Books

Still in his twenties, Salt Lake City resident Ernesto Edwards made several trips to San Francisco and found his passion. In the city’s Mission District, the Berkeley Renaissance, one of the most vibrant offshoots of the Beat Movement, was gaining creative speed. Edwards, who had studied architecture at The University of Utah, met Robert Duncan, … Read more

Plan-B Theatre’s 24th season taps a record 7 world premieres by Utah playwrights

NOTE: This is the final installment in a series about Plan-B Theatre’s 23rd season and forthcoming 24th season. Sensing the momentum of a nicely ripening Utah Enlightenment, Plan-B Theatre has slated a record seven world premieres of plays by Utah writers for the 2014-2015 season. The company’s 24th season departs from previous seasons in significant … Read more

Plan-B Theatre’s ‘And The Banned Played On’ to focus on children’s literature

NOTE: This is the second installment in a review of Plan-B Theatre’s 2013-2014 season. The final installment looks ahead to the company’s 24th season, which is slated to be the most extensive in Plan-B’s history. At the bottom of the post is a preview video. In the decade leading to 2000, the American Library Association’s … Read more

Notes from FanX 2014: Larpers behold! Ex Machina Films has a story for you

A community college student eagerly aspires to be a writer despite a limited talent but he also fumbles in the real world because of his social awkwardness. He sees his tutor, a gifted graduate student whom he respects deeply, as the chosen hero of the prophecy from a game he plays as a member of … Read more

Plan-B Theatre’s ‘3’ addresses the ‘casualties of perfectionism’ among Mormon women

3 by plan theatre featured image

Although he calls it an “odd quirk” in his writing process, listening to certain kinds of music has been quite helpful for Eric Samuelsen in shaping the rhythmic and thematic flows of his plays. For example, in a play-in-progress about 11th century papal politics, he finds listening to rock ‘n’ roll from the late 1950s … Read more