Reviews roundup: Bachauer’s Schubert piano sonatas, NOVA Chamber Music Series’ Connect with Beauty, Westminster College Performing Arts’ Pushing Boundaries, Ebola Cherries’ Digital Drag Is Dead

Gina Bachauer International Piano Foundation: Kuok-Wai Lio The 2022-23 concert series of the Gina Bachauer International Piano Foundation opened with a masterly display of holistic musical emotion in Kuok-Wai Lio’s presentation of Schubert’s final three piano sonatas. A 2005 Bachauer gold medalist, Kuok-Wai delivered a memorable valedictory performance of these works, showing his profound admiration … Read more

Gina Bachauer International Piano Foundation’s gold medal season opens with Kuok-Wai, 2005 Bachauer Young Artists gold medalist, in all-Schubert program

It is a gold medal season for the Gina Bachauer International Piano Foundation’s concert series, which opens this week with Kuok-Wai Lio, the 2005 top prize winner of Bachauer’s Young Artists Competition, performing the final three piano sonatas which Franz Schubert composed near the end of his life. The concert will take place Oct. 14 … Read more