Etudious!: Vassily Primakov, 2002 piano competition silver medalist, set to return to Gina Bachauer International Piano Foundation stage for concert of etudes

Growing up in Moscow during the 1980s, Vassily Primakov was just seven years old when he asked his mother, Marina Primakova, about starting piano lessons. “My mother was a pianist and I grew up with a lot of music around me, hearing her practice, rehearse and teach,” Primakov said in an interview with The Utah … Read more

PFuzz’s musicianship — violin, electronics, teacher, producer, DJ — puts a hefty spark on Salt Lake City’s blossoming local music scene

On a Thursday evening in August 2023, when violinist Alexis Panda commanded the stage in downtown Salt Lake City’s International Artist Lounge, it was yet another impressive sign of the tremendous blossoming of the local electronics and DJ scene that has produced excellent musicians and producers. Alexis, whose performing handle is PFuzz (derived from Panda … Read more

Pioneer Theatre Company’s Putting It Together is a Sondheim tribute assembled like a perfect martini

Nearly 50 years ago, the compilation Side by Side by Sondheim premiered to strong reviews and audience response, so persistent that by the late 1980s, Sondheim was urged to do an update or a sequel. Relenting to the request, he collaborated with Julia McKenzie, who was one of the creators and stars of the earlier … Read more

It’s all about connections: NOVA Chamber Music Series announces 2022-23 season

The word “connections” would be an ideal one-word summary for the 2022-23 season of the NOVA Chamber Music Series. As music directors, in programming the six Libby Gardner Hall concerts and the two Gallery Series concerts, the Fry Street Quartet has assembled an impressive lineup. The season includes world and Utah premieres and with the … Read more