Maria Eydman, 16, from Germany, takes gold medal in Young Artist portion of Bachauer international piano competitions

Maria Eydman, 16, from Germany, won the gold medal and a $15,000 cash prize in the Young Artist portion of the Gina Bachauer International Junior and Young Artists Piano Competitions, which was held virtually this year. Twenty-one pianists, who started the competition last year in the 15-18 age group before the pandemic disrupted it, played … Read more

Vsevolod Zavidov, 15, from Russia, takes gold medal in Junior portion of Bachauer international piano competitions

Vsevolod Zavidov, 15, from Russia, won the gold medal and a $10,000 cash prize in the Junior portion of the Gina Bachauer International Junior and Young Artists Piano Competitions, which are being held virtually this year. Twenty-three pianists, who started the competition last year in the 11-14 age group before the pandemic disrupted it, played … Read more